Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Google Phone

As the perpetual rumor mill continues, it seems quite an interesting product has been designed by none other than Google itself. The device you see above, is ironically enough, a "Google Phone" dubbed the Nexus One. The irony comes in the fact that Google designed Android, its open-sourced operating system, as just that - an open-sourced option for a multitude of other carriers. Though the idea of Google bringing its own phone to the market may sound interesting, realize its resounding effects.

Bringing such a phone to market would directly contradict the purpose of Android. If this phone were to run on this software, than what advantage would Google have in selling this phone over existing handsets - especially if it is going to be offered as an unsubsidized, unlocked option, as discussed.

If this were the case, the the only successful model for selling such a phone would mean that Google would need to make its device somewhat distinct from rest of the competition - that is incorporate qualities not yet found in other devices. Incorporating such technologies would directly contradict what the Open Handset Alliance and Android is all about!

I hope, as is rumored, this is just a developer phone for testing software and nothing more. I sure hope so, else I foresee a very unstable Android market in the near future.

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