Thursday, October 22, 2009


This image, entitled "Computopia", is a composition of a number of images featured in a 1969 Shonen Magazine. At 40 years old, this image describes an eerie future in which computers have become our instructors (disciplining us when necessary of course). Granted this depiction of modern schools is quite off, there is an eerie sense of resemblance in the image. These small computers with displays, aren't that far off from students in college with their laptops, sitting in rows, watching a lecture being displayed via PowerPoint. The only thing missing from this photo is of course the instructor, granted again this line is blurred further given the prevalence of online courses today. And although, yes, we do not get punished for incorrect answers, we are punished for our successes and failures in using such a device proficiently.

I imagine when this image was first made, such an idea of a class educated by a computer seemed absolutely proposterous. Yet as technology continually evolves such an image becomes less and less fantastical. Yet the chilling feel reamins constant, regardless of time, regardless of current technological advancements.

If that fear of losing our control in such a world has always remained so constant, than my question is this: were these Japanese magazine designers in 1969 more ignorant about the future, or are we now?


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