Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Pixel Bulb

Look at this photo for a moment... a long moment. Let digest what you are seeing. The art piece above entitled "Pixel Bulb" by artist Marcus Tremonto looks like a throw back to old lightbulb technologies. Some paper glued onto the wall to look like a pixelated light bulb. *Yawn*... next post. But look again, those plain pieces of paper aren't plain... they're lighting the room.Using "2D electroluminescent paper" - or for the commonly techie (incredibly thin OLED screens). This piece is a perfect oxymoron for the digital age, and in doing so has brought me much hope to technologies grasp in the art industry. Who said digital art had to be displayed in the format from which it was built? Why not take some of that technology and throw it onto the old... and get well... something truly inspiring.

1 comment:

  1. Very cool. As an art piece it works, but also, if they sold lights like this - just one OLED screen shaped like that - I'd totally buy it.
